Horse Intolerance Test

Is your horse showing signs of discomfort after eating? The Horse Intolerance Test determines your horse’s sensitivity to food, environmental, and artificial allergens.

Only $129 with results in 3-5 days

If your horse is exhibiting symptoms of discomfort or illness after eating, he may be suffering from intolerance or sensitivity. This can be triggered by food or non-food substances present in his immediate environment.

While allergies are usually more severe than intolerances, undiagnosed intolerances can still affect your horse’s quality of life. Symptoms of intolerances are also often more difficult to detect because symptoms can change over time.

Be in better control of your horse’s health with our Horse Intolerance Test, which analyses 44 food and 29 non-food items.

Why Test Your Horse for Intolerances

Horses can develop intolerances and sensitivities over time. These often result in symptoms like digestive issues or skin problems. Sometimes, if the symptoms are undetectable, you may notice that the animal becomes more irritable than usual.

Even though they are less severe than allergies, they can affect your horse’s comfort and wellbeing. In some cases, they can make the horse more vulnerable to other serious health conditions.

If you can’t determine the culprit behind your horse’s symptoms or mood changes, it is a good idea to have him tested for intolerances. Here’s a list of the food and non-food substances covered by our Horse Intolerance Test:

Food Items

Apple Juice Banana
Beets (beetroot)
Buttermilk Cabbage – Green Caraway
Cheddar Cod Cranberry juice
Dates Duck Egg yolk
Fig Grapes (White) Halibut
Honey Kiwis Lamb
Lobster Macadamia Nuts Maize
Maple Syrup Milk lactose Mint (Fresh)
Orange juice Oyster sauce Pineapple juice
Pork Potatoes Rabbit – meat
Raisins Raspberries Red Leicester
Rice – Brown Sesame seed Sole
Soya Spinach Sunflower oil
Swede Trout (Brown) Venison
Wheat, whole grain Whitefish


Non-Food Items

(Hordeum vulgare)
Bee Buckwheat
(Taraxum duplidens)
Buttercup Cotton – plant Dandelion
(Taraxum duplidens)
Dust Elder
(Sambucus nigra)
(Solidago virgaurea)
Hamsters Hazel
(Corylus avellana)
(Carpinus betulus)
Japanese Millet Lupine
(Lupinus polyphyllus)
Peanut plant Perennial ryegrass
(Lolium perenne)
Pine (Pinus spp.)
(Plantago major)
Primrose (Primulus) Rabbits – animal
(Ambrosia elatior)
Red fescue
(Festuca rubra)
Sheep’s wool
Tall oat grass
Wild oat
(Avena fatua)
Wool Wormwood

How the Test Works

The Horse Intolerance Test is a laboratory-based genetic test that detects your pet’s sensitivity to common substances that may be present in your home.

To carry out this test, you will only need to provide your horse’s hair samples. For safety reasons, we recommend that you take the hair sample from the mane. You may also take a sample from the horse’s grooming brush, but ensure that there is no cross-contamination between animals.

We will not be sending out a test kit, but we will send you a detailed guide on how to collect your horse’s hair sample. Please follow the specified instructions for our laboratory to be able to analyze the samples accurately.

Download the forms below

What is Included in the Report

After you send your samples back to our laboratory, you can expect to receive the results via email in 3 to 5 business days.

The report contains all the information you need to identify and understand your horse’s intolerance. Aside from this report, we will also send you a comprehensive guide in eliminating other possible intolerances from your horse’s diet. 

Limitations of the Horse Intolerance Test

The test determines the substances that your horse is intolerant to. Most of the time, to address this issue, you will only need to remove the trigger substances from your horse’s diet and environment.

In some cases, however, intolerances may require treatment. We recommend that you visit your veterinarian to discuss your horse’s treatment plan.

Special Offers and Discounts

The price of a single Horse Intolerance Test is $129.

If you plan to purchase multiple tests, you can enjoy a $10 discount per subsequent test. A second or third intolerance test will then only cost $119 per test.

Other Animal DNA Tests from AffinityDNA

We offer an entire line of Animal DNA Tests, which can assess your pets’ health or genetic lineage. Some of these services include our Dog Allergy Testing, Cat Intolerance Test, and CatCheck (Feline) Genetic Disease Test.