Discreet Paternity Test

Our Discreet Paternity Test can be carried out using many different samples including nail clippings, hair, blood stains, teeth, ear wax, mucus and semen.

From only $100 in addition to the testing cost

There are many circumstances where samples for a Paternity DNA Test cannot be obtained via the usual method of using mouth swabs. In these cases, a Discreet Paternity Test could be the answer.

It is required by law that all samples be accompanied by the consent and photographic ID of the individuals whose samples will be analysed in the test. For more information about the consent to analyse the samples, contact our customer service team.

Discreet Paternity Tests can be carried out using a wide range of different samples, including fingernail clippings, hair, blood stains, teeth, ear wax, mucus and semen. Objects which have been in close contact with the person who needs to be tested, such as cigarette butts, drinking straws and even drink cans, can also potentially be used.

Please note that we require consent and photographic ID from all parties in order to perform this test. It is a criminal offence to test a person’s DNA without the informed consent of the person from whom the sample came. We cannot process any samples submitted without the full consent and ID of all participants. A parent or legal guardian can give consent on behalf of a child. Next of kin must sign if the sample donor is deceased. Please see below for more information about the Human Tissue Act.

Due to the nature of this type of test it cannot be ordered via our website. Please Contact Us for more information or to place an order.

How Reliable is a Discreet Paternity Test?

The effectiveness and reliability of each Discreet Paternity Test depends on the type of tissue or object being used. For instance, semen has a 90% success rate, while toothbrushes only have a success rate of 60% or less.

Nevertheless, you have our assurance that we will do our best to ensure we are able to extract DNA from the sample if at all possible. Our state-of-the-art laboratory processes enable us to give you the highest level of service at all times.

How Much Does a Discreet Paternity Test Cost?

Prices vary depending on the type of sample – see the table below for more information on what samples can be used, the additional testing cost and its estimated success rate. All our prices are based on the additional extraction processes and analysis that are required to work with the different types of samples.

PLEASE NOTE that all the costs listed below are in addition to the cost of the actual DNA Test they are being used for and are per sample per person. It is not necessary to send the same type of sample for each participant. For example, we can use mouth swabs for mother and alleged father but nail clippings for a child if you do not want the child to question why you are collecting a mouth swab sample. A parent or legal guardian must still provide consent for a child to be tested.

Using an alternative DNA source will typically add 2 working days to the testing time although this may be longer for more complicated samples such as teeth, bone and paraffin embedded tissue.

However, you can rest assured we will take the shortest time possible before sending your results.

Please Contact Us for more information or to place an order.

What is Differential Extraction?

Differential Extraction is recommended for Male/Female mixed DNA samples containing semen. This includes whole semen, a semen stain on fabric and tampon or feminine pad.

When testing DNA from a sample containing sperm and vaginal cells we expect the resulting profile to be a mixture of male and female DNA. The Differential Extraction process occurs before DNA amplification and physically separates sperm cells from epithelial cells. This process allows us to provide two separate profiles, one from the sperm fraction and the other from the non-sperm fraction, as opposed to one mixed profile.

Discreet Paternity Testing and Consent

It is important to note that this type of DNA testing cannot be carried out without the informed consent of each person being tested. In other words, we cannot accept samples taken from anyone without their knowledge. Any test participant submitting a DNA sample must sign our consent form authorizing us to test their sample. Children under the legal age of consent can have their legal guardian or a parent sign on their behalf. Next of kin must sign if the sample donor is deceased.

Please Contact Us if you have any questions and our experienced customer service team will be able to assist you in complete confidence.

AffinityDNA DNA Helix Icon

The UK Human Tissue Act and DNA Theft

If you or anyone from whom you have collected a sample is living in the UK you need to be aware of the legal implications of the Human Tissue Act. The Human Tissue Act makes collecting any type of biological sample from another person without their full consent a crime – punishable with a prison sentence and/or a fine. Any person to whom the sample belongs must not only consent to the test but understand fully how their DNA is going to be used and analysed.

Please click here to read more about DNA Testing and The Human Tissue Act.

Type of Sample
Price Success Rate
Also called Whatman, Matrix or Parchment, preferably less than 60 days old. Air-dry and ship in paper envelope.
Fresh (collected within 30 days) or frozen - not on slides or in paraffin. Ship in paper envelope.
Stored in lavender topped vacutainer tube. Ship in paper envelope.
Stored in tube, preferably with preservative. Ship in paper envelope.
Frozen vial (sperm bank) or fresh swab, or semen on fabric. Ship in paper envelope.

*Differential Extraction recommended for Male/Female mixed DNA samples containing semen – see explanation above.

Typically bandages, gauze, facial tissues (Kleenex), napkins, or clothing. Air-dry and ship in paper envelope.
Multiple butts preferred. Ship in paper envelope.
Send whole condom. Interior and Exterior tested. Ship in paper envelope.
Do not touch floss with fingers. Ship in paper envelope.
5-6 strips recommended. Ship in paper envelope.
Cotton swab or Q-tip. Ship in paper envelope.
5-10 clippings recommended. Ship in paper envelope.
Typically facial tissue (Kleenex), napkin or paper towel. Ship in paper envelope.
Non-embalmed specimens only. Success rate depends on age and storage conditions.
Typically gauze, facial tissue, or clothing. Indicate area of stain. Air-dry and ship in paper envelope.
Typically gauze, facial tissue, or clothing. Indicate area of stain. Air-dry and ship in paper envelope.

*Differential Extraction recommended for Male/Female mixed DNA samples containing semen – see explanation above.

At least 200μl required. Send frozen.
Preferably dried. Reference sample from mother required. Ship in paper envelope or as preserved.
Biological stain of unknown origin. Indicate area of stain. Air-dry and ship in paper envelope.
Sugarless preferred. Ship in plastic Zip-Lock bag.
Preferably less than 3 days old. Ship in plastic Zip-Lock bag.
Hat, baseball cap, bandana. Must be unwashed. Ship in paper envelope.
Send entire comb / hairbrush with debris. Ship in paper envelope.
Air dry before packaging. Ship in paper envelope.
Letter envelope or stamp that was licked before sealing. Ship in paper envelope.
Reference sample from mother required.
Roots must be visibly present. 7-10 strands recommended. Shed or cut hair will not work. Ship in paper envelope.
Ring, watch, necklace, etc. Ship in paper envelope.
Paraffin block or slides. Ship in paper envelope. Testing time is 10 working days.
Send entire blade with debris. Ship in paper envelope.
Submission of can/glass/container preferable over DIY swabbing. Otherwise swab well with cotton swab. Air-dry and ship in paper envelope.
Note: Feminine pad may not provide viable DNA. Air-dry and ship in paper envelope.

*Differential Extraction recommended for Male/Female mixed DNA samples containing semen – see explanation above.

Air dry for 30 minutes before packaging. Ship in paper envelope.
2” section of femur, humerus, or metacarpal (thumb bone) preferred. Ship in paper envelope. Testing time is 10 working days.
Molar, premolar or canine preferred. Ship in paper envelope. Testing time is 10 working days.
Recommended for Male/Female mixed DNA samples containing semen. Testing time is 10 working days.

Please note that the Differential Extraction is charged in addition to the test fee and the surcharge applicable for the type of sample submitted.

Dog Allergy Testing Kit Review
Hello Team, I would love to thank all involved in testing my dog allergies. Since that test she finally lives her life itch free as it enabled us to avoid products causing her allergic reaction. I am very grateful for this report as her health massively improved after we removed all listed products from her diet. Since that time I have been suggesting other dog owners which battle similar issue to use your service. 5* from Blue.
October 2022
Baby Gender Test Review
Thank you so much for sharing the results with me. I am really happy and impressed with your team's service and quick responses all the time. Affinity DNA service is really impressive and I must recommend this to my friends and family. 🙂
June 2022
Siblings DNA Test Review
Thank you so much for your quick reply and explanation it’s very much appreciated and thank you for the great work you guys do.
April 2022
DM DNA Test for Dogs Review
Thank you! Honestly, your quick response and helpfulness has been a breath of fresh air.
March 2022
DNA My Dog Results Review
Wowwwww thank you sooooo much for the results, looking at each individual breed you can piece together all her traits and stances. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH.... well happy ?
January 2022
Forensic DNA Testing Review
I’ve just received the results. Your service has been impeccable. I really appreciate all your help, thank you so much.
October 2021
Home Paternity Testing Kit Review
Thank you very much for this! I appreciate your email and your result! This has brought a huge relief, tears to eyes! Thankyou for your service! Worth every penny if not more!
October 2021
Dog Allergy Test Kit Review
We had our dog allergy tested with you last year. We were advised that it is not a good enough test by our vet and many others online. This however couldn't be more wrong. We used the results to remove foods from her diet and even hypo-allergenic shampoos etc. Since she turned 1 years old we had her allergy tested by blood at the vet to see if she had out grown any of these allergies. The results were exactly the same as we were given by yourselves. Everything in red she is still allergic to. Without your help I'm not sure how we would of been able to help her in her first year. Especially given that she is allergic to almost everything hypoallergenic.
September 2021
Paternity Test Kits Review
Thank you so much for your help with this. A very professional and caring service. Reminds me how very different customer services are in UK compared to the service accepted by most people here in Spain. Thanks again.
June 2023
Dog Allergy Testing Review
Please forward my praise to your superiors with regards to your customer attention - thank you for all the communication at all times, and making sure all OK. Much appreciated. 1 day into eliminating salmon oil from her diet (daily supplement I was giving her for for her arthritis) and the turkey menus she is considerably better, all in 24 hrs. Can’t wait to see how she improves within a few weeks of elimination.
April 2021
Paternity DNA Test Kit Review
You guys have honestly just kick started my life!! I’m buzzing
March 2021
Prenatal Paternity Test Review
Thank you so much for the great service and fast results
March 2021
Sibling DNA Test Kit Review
Again, thank you so much, the journey with Affinity DNA has been fast, efficient and the technical help amazing from beginning to the end.
March 2021
Degenerative Myelopathy Test Review
Amazing very fast delivery and so much detailed information!
January 2021
Father and Daughter Paternity Test Kit
I am over the moon with the service, thank you very very much.
November 2020
Health and Fitness DNA Test Review
Many thanks for your support and the excellent service provided by your company.
September 2020
DM Test for Dogs Review
Just a note to say thank you again for sending results in the post, which I received today. Your service & kindness is exemplary.
August 2020
Father and Son Paternity Test Kit
Thank you so so much mark for your fast response with the results. You have absolutely made my families life with this.
July 2020
Father Son Paternity Test Review
Thank you for our results I must say the communication and service were outstanding.
July 2020
Paternity Test for Father and Child Review
Thank you a great result I was hoping to be the father great service at a great price.
June 2020