Dog Paternity Test without Mother

A Dog Paternity Test without Mother provides extended DNA testing for when the mother is not available for testing.

From only $352 with results in 19 working days

Our Dog Paternity Test without Mother offers extended testing of additional DNA markers for cases when the mother, or dam, is not available for testing.

Usually it is important to include both parents, because the mother’s sample is used to eliminate her half of the DNA inherited by the puppies. This increases accuracy and reduces the chances of a sire being falsely confirmed as the biological father.

However, we know that it is not always possible to test the mother, so we offer an extended parentage verification test using a 28-DNA marker panel instead of the usual 16 markers to provide accurate results without testing the dam.

This extended marker test can also be used for cases where the fathers are closely related, for example brothers.

The Science Behind Motherless Dog Parentage Verification

Our Motherless Dog Paternity Test is a quick and easy way to accurately determine the parentage of a dog, by measuring DNA markers. Each dog has 2 alleles at each DNA marker (loci), one of which is inherited from the dam (mother) and the other from the sire (father).

Our test uses a profile of 28 genetic markers, or loci, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology to accurately determine parentage.

Testing of the sire and the progeny (puppy) is included in the price of $352 and can accurately confirm parentage and lineage. Additional sires or puppies can be tested for an extra $81 each.

Dog Parentage Test WITH the Mother

If the dam is available for testing, please visit our Dog Paternity Test page for more information about our standard 16-DNA marker test available at lower cost.

How to Collect Dog DNA Samples

The Dog Paternity Test without Mother uses cheek swabs to painlessly collect DNA samples. These can be safely collected from dogs of any age, including new-born or nursing pups. If the puppies are nursing, please separate them from the nursing female for about an hour before collecting samples, to ensure they do not have milk in their mouth when you swab them.

It is important that all dogs to be tested do not eat or drink anything for an hour prior to taking the swabs, or have contact with any toys or bones used by other dogs, to reduce the chance of cross contamination.

To collect the sample, hold your dog’s head firmly in place and use the sterile mouth swabs provided by us. The kit also includes full instructions, along with registration forms for you to complete before returning the swabs to us for testing.

Motherless Dog Paternity Test Results

DNA test results will be emailed within 19 working days of receipt of samples at the laboratory.

If the result in the report states that parentage qualifies, this means that the father matched the puppy at all 28 DNA markers.

If the result states that parentage does not qualify then the sire does not match the puppy at all 28 markers and is therefore not the father.

Registration of Dog DNA Test Results

Our customer support team is always on hand to answer any queries you may have, including questions about collecting DNA samples and understanding the results, to ensure that every test is concluded successfully and without delay. Please Contact Us for a quote or to discuss your requirements.

Other Dog DNA Tests from AffinityDNA

As well as Dog Paternity Testing without the Mother, we also offer a range of inherited disease screening tests including:

We also offer Dog Allergy Testing and a choice of dog DNA breed tests which include information about the personality traits and predisposition to diseases for each breed found in your dog’s DNA.

If you have any questions about a Dog Paternity Test with or without the Mother, please do not hesitate to Contact our Customer Service Team who will be happy to help you.