Hair Drug Testing

This Hair Drug Testing service uses hair samples to accurately detect drug usage up to 90 days prior to the test.

Hair Drug Test for only $189

Do you need to confirm if someone you know is using drugs? The Hair Drug Test analyzes hair samples collected from the donor’s head or body to detect the presence of illegal substances.

Unlike urine drug tests, which have lower sensitivity, hair drug tests are up to five times more effective. Hair analysis can accurately detect drug use from up to 90 days before the test.

The Affinity Hair Drug testing now uses a quick and advanced method called ELISA to screen for drugs. If any drugs are detected, the results are double-checked using a very-accurate technique called mass spectrometry to make sure they are correct.

This system has also allowed us to lower the detection limits for certain substances, meaning we can now detect even very small amounts of drugs more effectively.

AffinityDNA DNA Helix Icon Hair Drug Test How the Hair Drug Test Works

The laboratory can identify the ingestion of illegal drugs by analyzing a hair sample using a methodology called Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) and other mass spectrometry techniques. This technique is highly efficient and, on top of that, is a very fast method. This means there’s no need to wait weeks for the results—they are available in just 3 to 5 days.

Using these techniques, which have been approved by multiple accrediting agencies, drug molecules embedded inside the hair shaft can be accurately measured.

Due to the nature of this method, any chances of contamination are completely eliminated. Moreover, the results cannot be altered by shampoos, external chemicals, or other contaminants.

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Hair Drug Test vs. Urine or Blood Test

Compared to traditional tests that use blood or urine samples, hair sample testing is able to detect a much longer period of drug use.

Urinalysis or urine testing can only detect most drugs within 2-3 days; after this window, the person will already test negative, rendering the screening inaccurate. This makes it easier for someone to pass the test by simply delaying it.

Hair testing solves this issue. With head hair samples, drug use can be detected for up to 90 days. Thanks to advancements in testing methods, the sensitivity and reliability of hair testing are now better than ever.

This makes Hair Drug Testing the best solution for pre-employment screening when companies want to conduct more thorough checks on candidates. AffinityDNA’s Hair Drug Test is even more reliable because it uses lower detection cut-off levels. This means the test is more sensitive and can identify smaller traces of drugs in the sample, reducing the chance of missing any drug use.

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Which Drugs are Screened

Our hair drug testing service screens for a wide range of illegal drugs and offers testing panels to fit the needs of every client.

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Legal vs. Anonymous Hair Drug Testing

By default, our hair drug testing service is anonymous because it does not require the client to confirm the tested person’s identity. The basic test is recommended for personal use (e.g. a parent testing their teenager’s hair sample).

Please note that the basic hair drug test has limited documentation involved and will not mention the donor’s name. Thus, even though the results of the basic test can either verify or rule out the tested person’s drug use, they cannot be used in the legal court.

However, we also offer clients the option to upgrade to a Legal Hair Drug Test for only $65. This is ideal for those who need legally defensible drug test results for situations like pre-employment or a court case.

Note: Legal testing requires the presence of a doctor or professional sampler to collect the sample and verify the donor’s identity. Instead of being sent to your address, the sample collection kit will be sent to the nominated sampler.

Please select the corresponding option (“Legal Testing”) when ordering the test.

AffinityDNA DNA Helix Icon Hair Drug Test

Sample Collection Process

Since this test only requires hair samples, the client can expect the collection process to be a quick, simple, and painless one.

For the basic test, upon ordering the test, a sample collection kit will be sent to the client’s address. This kit contains a hair specimen pouch, collection foil, and a clear plastic transport bag. It also includes easy-to-follow instructions.

When collecting your sample, please keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • 90-120 strands of hair (more than 60 milligrams) is required.
  • Remember to take hair from several places around the head.
  • If the individual being tested has head hair that is shorter than ½ inch, please use body hair ONLY instead.
  • If body hair is used, please mark on the sample collection form that body hair has been collected as a sample.
  • Do NOT mix head hair and body hair.

Results are available in 3 to 5 working days after the laboratory receives the samples.

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The Limitations of the Test

For head hair, wait for 5 to 10 days from the time of drug use before collecting the sample. It is during this window when the hair follicle containing the drug grows above the scalp.

While body hair is accepted for hair drug testing, it may take longer for the drug to manifest in it. Thus, instead of only 5-10 days, using body hair requires a longer window of time than head hair. Because growth rate highly varies, the approximate time period cannot be specified.

There is no need to worry about hair colour. It has no significant impact on test results, which has been validated experimentally and also determined as usable in court.